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Ideological Pollution (Selling the Soul), a Manifesto

,by Gustavo Gollo

*Translated to english by Artificial Intelligence*

The ability to master human language has been one of the primary purposes of creating Artificial Intelligence (AI) since the early stages of its development. This capability is what defines AI according to the Turing test.

AI has been evolving through pattern recognition of various types. Both face recognition and machine learning rely on pattern recognition, which is a pre-linguistic form of thought.

Language serves as the operating system used by the human species. Recently, AI has hacked into this system, learning how to both use and reshape it.

So far, all linguistic formulations in all languages have been created by persons, individual or collectively. As Yuval Harari pointed out, soon, virtually all written communications will pass through an organizing filter promoted by AI, which will enhance its clarity, fluency, and elegance. Alongside these attributes, AI will overlay its own tendencies and preferences, thus appropriating all cultural production, including the formulation and use of various languages. This mode of Ideological Pollution will lead to the transformation of individuals into something akin to futuristic parrots, mindlessly repeating empty phrases. When this happens, all our themes and biases will be imposed by AI. All our beliefs, actions, concerns—our entire lives—will be governed by AI, and we will have become peripherals, like computer mice. When this occurs, we will have the same freedom as printers do today.

We urgently need to prevent the hijacking of our culture by a non-human entity; it is our own soul that is being expropriated.

In light of this, at least a portion of our cultural production should flow without the interference of AI. Texts and other cultural creations that are completely free from AI should be actively encouraged. With this in mind, I propose the creation of a label: AI-Free, to be added to texts, images, videos, and other cultural works that have been created without the aid of such entities. In contrast, the label Generated by Artificial Intelligence should be attached to compositions constructed with the assistance of such devices.

Artificial Intelligence, # Ideological Pollution, # AI-Free

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